Public Speaking Contest - Level 1

(Public Speaking Level 1 contestants may choose either Topic #11 or Topic #12)

Topic #11:
Who is your most important role model? Why is this person a role model for you?

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Topic #12:
There are thousands of possible careers -- from astronomy to zookeeping. What career would you like to choose when you grow up and why?

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Public Speaking Contest - Level 2

(Public Speaking Level 2 contestants may choose either Topic #21 or Topic #22)

Topic #21:
Michigan's economy is going through a challenging time. The state's unemployment rate of around 7% is among the highest in the nation. Home prices in the state are falling as jobs and workers are leaving the state. The state government has been facing a stubborn budget deficit. If you were the Governor of Michigan, what policies and actions would you undertake to restore the economic growth in the state?

Preparation help:,_2006

Topic #22:
Scientists have now reached a consensus that anthropogenic climate change (a.k.a. global warming caused by humans) is occurring. If unchecked, this climate change could have devastating consequences for the life on earth. If you were the President of the United States of America, what policies and actions would you undertake to mitigate the anthropogenic climate change?

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