Aim-for-A Tutoring
Essay Writing Contest

Contest Rules

  • Contest Date: May 26, 2007
  • Contest Time: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Contest Location: Summit Recreation Center, Canton, MI 48188
  • Two levels:
    • Level 1: Grades 1-5
    • Level 2: Grade 6 and higher
  • Three trophies for each level -- for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners.
  • Participation medals for all.
  • All awards will be given on June 9, 2007.
  • Participation is free for all Aim-for-A Tutoring students. For others, there is a registration fee of $9.95.
  • Please register by May 19, 2007.

Judging Criteria

  • Each essay will be scored by at least two independent evaluators. The evaluators are certified English Language Arts teachers.
  • The final score of each essay will be an average of the individual scores.
  • The evaluators will judge the essays based on the following criteria:

    Number of ideas
    Relevance to topic
    Creative thinking
    Overall organization and flow
    Catchy introduction
    Powerful conclusion
    Spelling and diction
    Language and grammar

Contest Preparation Help

  • Example topics for Level 1:
    • Your teacher is trying to decide whether to take the class on a field trip to the zoo or to a local museum. Which would you rather do? Write an essay to persuade your teacher to agree with your choice. Give at least three reasons to support your choice.
    • Write an essay about the career that you plan to pursue when you are an adult. Include information such as the preparation or training that you would need to achieve this career, and how it will affect your life and the lives of those around you. Explain the responsibilities of your work and why this career is the ideal one for you.
  • Example topics for Level 2:
    • Technology is everywhere. People use it at home, at work, and at school. What if technology were not as advanced as it is today? Using specific examples, write an essay describing how your life would be different.
    • Many students now take after-school jobs that involve working long hours. Some administrators argue that these jobs are tiring for students and make it difficult for them to complete their schoolwork. Others say that paying jobs are good experience for the future. Write an essay arguing your point of view about whether or not after-school jobs are beneficial for students. Use specific examples and reasons to support your position.
    • Sometimes we choose to do things that we do not really enjoy — jogging, studying, eating the right foods, and so on. Describe something you do by choice that you really do not enjoy. Explain why you continue to do it. Discuss the changes that might occur in your life if you were to stop this activity.
  • Resources: